Sunday 27 November 2016

Myths and misunderstandings about certain food items

Are you too confused with all the different advices and facts the print ads, Television Commercials and the newspapers and the magazines print about the correct diet and food habits? It̢۪s high time these myths are busted and we stop looking for magical solutions for our needs. New studies which are showcased on a regular basis contradict the earlier research and refute common claims about the same. Behind almost all the food and nutrition myths, there is a kernel of truth present. We have to separate the science from the silliness and separate the myths from the facts.
All processed foods are un healthy and bad
Not all processed food items are compulsorily uh healthy because some of the processed foods keep the nutrition intact. Processed foods with sweeteners and additives are the ones to be steered clear off. Other than the food products like whole grain pasta, canned light tuna packed with sufficient water, frozen fruits and vegetables are healthy.
 Chocolates cause acne
Many magazines and paper writ ups claim that eating chocolates causes skin problems and acne. In fact, studies have shown the benefits of dark chocolate since they contain anti oxidants in huge amounts. Dark chocolate also is proved to lower the blood pressure. With no scientific justification the only trick with this myth is to balance your calorie intake.
Multi grain and whole grain are the same
Whole grain contains the unrefined grains in which the components, the barn, germ and endosperm and are still intact along with all the fiber, vitamins and minerals produced by nature. But multi grain foods are made with more than one grain but none of them maybe whole grain. The bread and various other products sold under the name of wholegrain lack the nutritional value after undergoing the process of refining.
 Eggs raise cholesterol and causes heart diseases
Most epidemiologists say that eating an egg a day will keep you healthy and definitely cause no problems. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but consumption of eggs as much as three eggs in a day with proper place for them in the diet will never pose a threat. The chief foods that cause heart problems are the saturated and trans fats.
 Beans should be eaten with rice, without which the protein will not be processed
Proteins are made up of amino acids. The body produces 11 amino acids of 20 in all and the rest of the amino acids must be in corporated in the diet. It is never necessary to pair the intake of proteins with complementary sets of amino acids and eat the foods in same meals. Intake of appropriate amount of protein is all that matters.
Let these facts break some of the myths and misconceptions about these food items!

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