Sunday 27 November 2016

Myths and misunderstandings about certain food items

Are you too confused with all the different advices and facts the print ads, Television Commercials and the newspapers and the magazines print about the correct diet and food habits? It̢۪s high time these myths are busted and we stop looking for magical solutions for our needs. New studies which are showcased on a regular basis contradict the earlier research and refute common claims about the same. Behind almost all the food and nutrition myths, there is a kernel of truth present. We have to separate the science from the silliness and separate the myths from the facts.
All processed foods are un healthy and bad
Not all processed food items are compulsorily uh healthy because some of the processed foods keep the nutrition intact. Processed foods with sweeteners and additives are the ones to be steered clear off. Other than the food products like whole grain pasta, canned light tuna packed with sufficient water, frozen fruits and vegetables are healthy.
 Chocolates cause acne
Many magazines and paper writ ups claim that eating chocolates causes skin problems and acne. In fact, studies have shown the benefits of dark chocolate since they contain anti oxidants in huge amounts. Dark chocolate also is proved to lower the blood pressure. With no scientific justification the only trick with this myth is to balance your calorie intake.
Multi grain and whole grain are the same
Whole grain contains the unrefined grains in which the components, the barn, germ and endosperm and are still intact along with all the fiber, vitamins and minerals produced by nature. But multi grain foods are made with more than one grain but none of them maybe whole grain. The bread and various other products sold under the name of wholegrain lack the nutritional value after undergoing the process of refining.
 Eggs raise cholesterol and causes heart diseases
Most epidemiologists say that eating an egg a day will keep you healthy and definitely cause no problems. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but consumption of eggs as much as three eggs in a day with proper place for them in the diet will never pose a threat. The chief foods that cause heart problems are the saturated and trans fats.
 Beans should be eaten with rice, without which the protein will not be processed
Proteins are made up of amino acids. The body produces 11 amino acids of 20 in all and the rest of the amino acids must be in corporated in the diet. It is never necessary to pair the intake of proteins with complementary sets of amino acids and eat the foods in same meals. Intake of appropriate amount of protein is all that matters.
Let these facts break some of the myths and misconceptions about these food items!

life in outerspace

The universe contains billions of galaxies and each galaxy contains billions of stars, and a fraction of those stars contain Earth like planets meaning that there must be some type of life on those planets. If you really think about those numbers and the fact that life is anything from bacteria like organisms to living beings more complex than humans, it enlightens one on the endless possibilities that could be lurking somewhere in the universe. Over the last couple of decades scientist at NASA have come a long way regarding new discoveries about outer space.   Through constant new discoveries equipped with advanced technologies, as well as the evidence of life in meteorites, and the fact that scientists have revealed that planets have the potential to sustain life it is plausible to say that there is life on another planet.

Everyday scientists at NASA, find new information about outer space with their scientific equipment which creates new doorways for new evidence of existence of a separate life. Currently, scientific equipment is not yet advanced enough to go as far and fast enough to search galaxies for any type of life form. In a couple more decades with more advanced equipment there will be more information on the actual possibilities of life in outer space and the different more broad types of life. Also with the amount of information NASA has already collected about outer space is mind bottling and the near future evidence will be astonishing. These indications proving that more facts and important evidence will be found about planets, galaxies away. 

Secondly, NASA scientists claiming to have found evidence of fossilised bacteria in meteorites that have landed on earth, this giving firm evidence there is life in outer space. Dr Hoover, an expert on life in extreme environments, said the samples he analysed from the middle of the meteorite lacked nitrogen, pointing to them having originated elsewhere.

what are effects of internet on todays youth

Disadvantages of using the Internet are loneliness, lack of face-to-face communication, poor conflict resolution, diminishing interpersonal skills, overdependence on technology, mood swings and physical problems such as painful wrists and arms and obesity. Potential financial loss is another possibility. People who use the Internet to carry out banking and other forms of financial transactions are at a risk of losing their money, as hackers are always on the prowl.

Spending too much time at the desk with a computer can harm your physical and mental health. Such people can become reclusive and lonely. This could lead to low self-esteem and a whole host of psychosomatic conditions.
An over-reliance on the Internet can also lead to a general lowering of mental capacity. Mental fatigue and a feeling of lethargy can gradually creep in as a result of a sedentary life sitting all day long in front of the computer and surfing the Web. Lack of exercise can cause a general deterioration in health and lead to a poor immune response.
The use of the Internet has several advantages. It has changed the way the world communicates and does business. However, there can be negative aspects to the excessive use of the Internet.